Security Science: Information Security, System Security, Security Human Machine, Security and Cryptography, Risk Control, Search Engine and Information Retrieval, Mine Security, Computer Network and Security, Production Safety, Petroleum and Chemical Safety, Explosion Prevention Safety, Electrical Safety, Social and Urban Safety, Emergency Management and Fire Safety, Engineering Seismic and Shock Absorbing New Materials, New Structures and Technologies, Aerospace Safety, Rescue and Personnel Safety, and Traffic Safety.
Environment: Environment and Materials, Environmental Engineering and Energy, Environmental Engineering and Computer, Environmental Engineering and Remote Sensing, Environmental Engineering and Big Data, Environmental Engineering and Electrical, Environmental Engineering and Machinery, Civil Architecture and Materials, Civil Architecture and Energy, Civil Architecture and Information, Civil Architecture and Machinery, Water Resources and Power Electrical, Water Resources and Computer Applications, Water Resources and Mechanical Engineering, Water Resources and Power Engineering, etc.
Occupational health: Occupational health and safety technology, environmental monitoring and evaluation, environmental governance and protection, safety, health and environmental protection, occupational disease prevention and control, occupational health, public health, labor relations and human resources, occupational medicine, etc.
Environment: Environment and Materials, Environmental Engineering and Energy, Environmental Engineering and Computer, Environmental Engineering and Remote Sensing, Environmental Engineering and Big Data, Environmental Engineering and Electrical, Environmental Engineering and Machinery, Civil Architecture and Materials, Civil Architecture and Energy, Civil Architecture and Information, Civil Architecture and Machinery, Water Resources and Power Electrical, Water Resources and Computer Applications, Water Resources and Mechanical Engineering, Water Resources and Power Engineering, etc.
Occupational health: Occupational health and safety technology, environmental monitoring and evaluation, environmental governance and protection, safety, health and environmental protection, occupational disease prevention and control, occupational health, public health, labor relations and human resources, occupational medicine, etc.
Important Dates/重要日期
- Submission Deadline: 2025.2.23
- Registration Deadline: 2025.2.28
- Conference Date: 2025.3.15
- Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal/投稿方式
Mail Address:
If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialists: