Modern logistics and supply chain:
Analysis and Design of Modern Logistics Systems
Development Strategy and Planning of Port and Shipping Logistics
Smart Logistics Driven by Big Data
Modern Logistics Information Technology and Applications
Intelligent procurement and supply management
Global Intelligent Supply Chain Management
Research on Integrated Transport and Multimodal Transport System
Low carbon logistics and sustainable development theory and methods
Research on Intelligent Shipping and the Development of Smart Ports
Innovative theories and methods in the field of digital supply chain management
Optical communication and network:
Design and Management of Optical Networks
Performance modeling of optical networks
Optical network control and management
Light modulation and signal processing
Reliable optical network
Generalized Multi Protocol Label Exchange
New architecture of optical routers and switches
New Fiber Optic Technology
Laser and photon components
High speed fiber optic LAN and Gigabit Ethernet
Optical Networks for Future Networks
Energy efficiency of optical networks
The integration of light and other network technologies
Optical network supporting cloud computing
Fiber optic radio
Free space and fiber optic communication
Communication networks and systems:
Network: Future Internet/Future Network
QoS/QoE and Resource Management
Optical network
Wireless, mobile, self-organizing, and sensor networks
Ubiquitous Network 
Network security
Multimedia network
Communication system 
Encoding and Information Theory
Wireless, ultra wideband, ultrasonic communication
Satellite communication
Important Dates | 重要日期
  • Submission Deadline: 2024.10.20
  • Registration Deadline: 2024.10.25
  • Conference Date: 2024.11.10
  • Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal | 投稿方式

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