(1) Electromechanical control technology
Intelligent machine technology
Manufacturing process simulation
Finite-element analysis and structure optimization
Fault diagnosis and maintenance theory
artificial intelligence
intelligent control
Fuzzy control and its application
Electrical automation, man-machine system
Car control systems and auto-autonomous driving
Application of photoelectronics in manufacturing process simulation
CIMS with a photonics-enhanced manufacturing system
Optoelectronic electronics and computer-aided design
Vibrations were measured with optoelectronic devices
Computer-aided finite element analysis
Fault diagnosis of the mechatronics system
Intelligent mechatronics and robot
Optoelectronic components in complex electromechanical hydraulic systems
Computerized logistics and ERP systems
Computer and Sensor Technology in Vehicle Engineering
(2) Precision instruments
precision instrument
Precision mechanical engineering
Precision optical engineering
Precision electronics technology
Precision control technology
laser technology
ultrasonic technique
Network technology and intelligent technology
Intelligent instrument
Precision positioning and measurement technology
Precision mechanical servo system
Intelligent instrument
Intelligent structure system
Microscale robot technology
Communication technology and microsystems
Intelligent information processing technology
Dynamic detection technology and signal processing
(3) Intelligent manufacturing
Intelligent optimization algorithms and applications
intelligent system
intelligent control system
artificial intelligence
Optimization and control
New sensing technology
Dynamic mechanical analysis
automated production
Biomimetic mechanism and biological manufacturing
integrated manufacturing system
Project optimization
Industrial and manufacturing system analysis and decision-making
Robot control
Digital manufacturing and management
Modeling and Design
advanced manufacturing technology
green manufacturing
Sustainable production
Recycling and Remanufacturing
intelligent control
New sensing technology
Production process simulation
Modeling and Design
Dynamic mechanical analysis, optimization, and control
Industrial mechanics and automated production
Digital manufacturing
advanced manufacturing technology
Digital twin
Artificial intelligence and mechanical production
Virtual manufacturing and network manufacturing
Bionic mechanism
integrated manufacturing system
Project optimization
Industrial and manufacturing system analysis and decision-making
Digital manufacturing
Modeling and Design
Intelligent mechatronics
micromachining technology
advanced manufacturing technology
artificial intelligence
Automation and Control
Manufacturing process planning and scheduling
machine learning
Industrial big data
Data and signal processing
Cloud manufacturing
Digital twins
Industrial Internet of Things
Communications and Networks
applied mathematics
Computational methods and algorithms
Intelligent optimization methods and applications
Intelligent industrial technology
Electronic and embedded systems
Computer-integrated manufacturing system
Advanced control and optimization technology
The Application of artificial intelligence technology in design and manufacturing
New sensing technology
Precision manufacturing technology
Advanced manufacturing and production mode
Virtual manufacturing and network manufacturing
Quality monitoring of the manufacturing process
System analysis and industrial engineering
Microelectronics packaging technology and equipment
Industrial robots and automated production lines
Important Dates | 重要日期
  • Submission Deadline: 2024.5.27
  • Registration Deadline: 2024.6.3
  • Conference Date: 2024.6.29
  • Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal | 投稿方式

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