(Topics include but are not limited to)
electric machinery
Electromagnetics of Electrical Materials
High voltage microwave technology
Power Electronics and Application Antennas
Electronic instruments
Circuit and system manufacturing
Operation of electrical and electronic systems
Embedded system
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Emerging technologies
software engineering
Photon technology
Parallel and distributed computing
Telecommunications Services and Applications
wireless network
Optical communication
multimedia communication
Innovative network technology
Microchip Design
Application of Microchips
Communication signal transmission
Joint source channel coding and iterative decoding algorithm
MIMO communication and space-time frequency coding
Distributed encoding and processing
Performance analysis of communication system
Best PHY for Single User and Multi User Systems
Relay channel communication
Optimize network resource allocation
Maximizing Network Utility and Game Theory Model
Large scale MIMO communication
communications technology
digital communications technology
Parallel and Distributed System Architecture
High performance computing languages and compilers
Parallel and Distributed Software Technology
Parallel and distributed algorithms
Embedded system
computational intelligence
Point to point calculation
Grid and cluster computing
Web Services and Internet Computing
cloud computing
Utility calculation
Performance evaluation and measurement
Tools and environments used for software development
Distributed systems and applications
High performance scientific and engineering computing
Database applications and data mining
electric machinery
Electromagnetics of Electrical Materials
High voltage microwave technology
Power Electronics and Application Antennas
Electronic instruments
Circuit and system manufacturing
Operation of electrical and electronic systems
Embedded system
Multimedia Systems and Applications
Emerging technologies
software engineering
Photon technology
Parallel and distributed computing
Telecommunications Services and Applications
wireless network
Optical communication
multimedia communication
Innovative network technology
Microchip Design
Application of Microchips
Communication signal transmission
Joint source channel coding and iterative decoding algorithm
MIMO communication and space-time frequency coding
Distributed encoding and processing
Performance analysis of communication system
Best PHY for Single User and Multi User Systems
Relay channel communication
Optimize network resource allocation
Maximizing Network Utility and Game Theory Model
Large scale MIMO communication
communications technology
digital communications technology
Parallel and Distributed System Architecture
High performance computing languages and compilers
Parallel and Distributed Software Technology
Parallel and distributed algorithms
Embedded system
computational intelligence
Point to point calculation
Grid and cluster computing
Web Services and Internet Computing
cloud computing
Utility calculation
Performance evaluation and measurement
Tools and environments used for software development
Distributed systems and applications
High performance scientific and engineering computing
Database applications and data mining
Important Dates/重要日期
- Submission Deadline: 2025.2.10
- Registration Deadline: 2025.2.15
- Conference Date: 2025.3.2
- Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal/投稿方式
Mail Address:
If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialists:
- +86-17162863232(微信同号)
- 3771563441
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