Conference Committee

Dr. Arockia Selvakumar. A, VIT University, India

Researcher Eric Thompson Brantson, Petroleum Engineering Department, Ghana 

Program Committee

Prof. Ziad Moumni, ENSTA ParisTech, France

Prof. EGINLIGIL Mustafa, Nanjing Tech University, Singapore

Prof. Katarina Monkova, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia

International Technical Committee

Assoc Prof. Sergio Vázquez, University of Seville, Franch

Assoc Prof. Md. Khaja Mohiddin, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Raipur

Assoc Prof. Valerian Croitorescu, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania

Assoc Prof. Ramandeep Kaur, Punjabi University, America

Important Dates | 重要日期
  • Submission Deadline: 2024.10.13
  • Registration Deadline: 2024.10.18
  • Conference Date: 2024.11.2
  • Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal | 投稿方式

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