Conference Committee

Prof. Zakiah Ahmad, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia

Prof. Frank Werner Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

Asst. Prof. Katarzyna Turoń, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Program Committee

Prof. Manoel P Cordão-Neto, University of Brasilia, Brazil

Dr. Zul-Atfi Ismail Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia

Dr. Koorosh Gharehbaghi, RMIT University, Australia

A. Prof. Changiz Valmohammadi, Islamic Azad University, Iran

International Technical Committee

Prof. Sujatha Evangelin Ramani, SASTRA Deemed University, India

Assoc. Prof. Junshan Liu, Auburn University, USA

A. Prof. Talpur, Mir Sajjad Hussain, Information Technology Centre, SAU, Sindh, Pakistan

Assis. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Ayodeji Ogunmola, Sharda University Uzbekistan, Andijan Uzbekistan

Dr. Nicola Cantasano, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, Italy

Assoc. Prof. Alfrendo Satyanaga, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Important Dates | 重要日期
  • Submission Deadline: 2024.9.30
  • Registration Deadline: 2024.10.7
  • Conference Date: 2024.10.15
  • Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal | 投稿方式

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