(The following topics include but are not limited to)
Intelligent system
Fuzzy logic control
Neural networks in control systems
Genetic algorithm and optimization
Adaptive control technology
Robot path planning
Intelligent manufacturing system
Artificial intelligence in autonomous driving
Safety critical control system
Machine vision and image recognition
Edge computing in control technology
Multi-agent system
Application of artificial intelligence in aerospace control
Internet of Things in intelligent control
The application of augmented reality and virtual reality in control system
Software engineering
Software testing technique
Automatic software design and synthesis
Component-based software engineering
Computer supported collaborative work
Programming languages and software engineering
Information and communication security
Computer graphics and human-computer interaction
Multimedia technology application
Artificial intelligence and recognition
Embedded software and applications
Automatic control
Distributed computing and grid computing
Cloud computing/storage technology
Database technology research
Algorithm analysis
Approximate algorithm/evolutionary algorithm/genetic algorithm
Computability theory
Numerical analysis
Online algorithm/quantum algorithm/randomization algorithm/sorting algorithm
Algorithmic graph theory and composition
Computational geometry
Computing techniques and applications
Important Dates | 重要日期
  • Submission Deadline: 2025.3.11
  • Registration Deadline: 2025.3.16
  • Conference Date: 2025.3.23
  • Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal | 投稿方式

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