
(Topics include but are not limited to)
Topic 1: Biotechnology
Biomedical imaging, image processing, and visualization
Biomedical imaging and image processing
Biological instruments and biosensors
Health monitoring systems and wearable systems
Biomedical signal detection and acquisition
Spectral analysis of biomedical signals
Biomedical signal compression technology
Medical signal and image transmission
Biomedical and Health Informatics
Treatment and diagnostic systems and technologies
Micro/Nano Bioengineering
Cell/tissue engineering
biological materials
molecular biology
Microbial technology
Marine and Algal Biotechnology
Biocatalysis, organic catalysis
Biomedical computing 
Gene expression database
gene regulation 
Other related topics
Topic 2: Medical Artificial
Intelligent diagnosis and treatment
Biomedical Informatics 
Medical Statistics
Cutting-edge technologies in artificial intelligence
Virtual diagnosis and treatment system
Ethical challenges
Intelligent medical devices and medical robots
Surgical and rehabilitation robots
Artificial Intelligence and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Wearable medical devices
data security
Machine Learning and Medical Deep Learning
Clinical Decision Support System
Hospital Information Management System
Other related topics

Important Dates/重要日期
  • Submission Deadline: 2025.3.20
  • Registration Deadline: 2025.3.25
  • Conference Date: 2025.3.30
  • Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal/投稿方式

Mail Address:

If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialists:

  • +86-16786905125(微信同号)
  • 1738651186
  • +86-13208180495(微信同号)
  • 418260416