Topic 1: Electric Power Engineering
Electric power allocation
Fuel cells, embedded power generation and energy storage
Electricity quality
Combined heat and power generation and distributed power generation
Power System and Energy
Integration of power transportation systems (multi energy system integration)
Distributed energy storage power generation
Planning, operation and control of transmission and distribution networks
High voltage technology
Power Engineering and Power Systems
Signal processing in power and energy systems
Distributed power generation and combined power generation systems
Smart grid
Power Electronics in Power Systems
Wireless power transmission, etc
Topic 2: Electrical Technology
Electric Vehicle Technology
New type of motor and its intelligent control technology
Electric machinery and electrical equipment
Electromagnetic compatibility 
Permanent magnet and reluctance machines
Advanced and sensorless machine control
Machines and Drivers
Motor drive, control, and mechatronics integration
Nonlinear Systems and Control
Intelligent and AI based control
Instruments and vibration control
Flexible manufacturing system 
Automation technology
Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility 
Mechatronics integration and robot learning
Materials for electricians and optoelectronics
Topic 3: Smart Grid
Smart grid technology
Intelligent sensor
Grid interface
Power and Energy Systems
Smart Grid and Distributed Energy
Distribution system and substation automation
Wide Area Protection, Communication, and Control in Energy Systems
Intelligent power equipment
Smart grid deployment
Power system and its automation
Power system modeling, simulation, and analysis
Power system planning and scheduling
Monitoring and controlling the power quality of smart grids
Smart Grid with Multi domain Applications
Stability control of the power grid
Power System Communication and Control
Intelligent dispatch of power grid
Intelligent distribution of electricity and microgrids
Intelligent planning and scheduling
Topic 4: Electronic Communication
QoS settings and architecture
Telecommunications Services and Applications
Wireless network
Optical communication multimedia communication
Network performance
Important Dates | 重要日期
  • Submission Deadline: 2025.4.15
  • Registration Deadline: 2025.4.20
  • Conference Date: 2025.5.5
  • Notification Date: About a week after the submission
Submission Portal | 投稿方式

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